Thursday, January 17, 2013

When You Build It They Will Come - A Personal Story

I started blogging back in 2004, when I was in my first year of doing commercial radio. I had no idea what I was doing. I was looking for software that had a calendar and a way to publish my radio shows on the Internet.
I didn’t know anything about the different blogging software either, that was available on the market at the time.
When I did a search on Google only a few blogging software vendors came up, so I picked Radio UserLand, yes you guessed it right, because it had the name “radio” in it (interesting selection criteria by a coach and prior consultant).
I ended up using it like a journal because to do anything else, like even putting my radio studio picture on my blog, I had to know programming code. I do speak several languages, but computer language isn’t one of them. It has become a very frustrating experience so when my commercial radio days came to a temporary end, I stopped using the blog and never thought about it again.
Truly, I haven’t thought about blogging until early this year, when I have chosen to go into full time coaching. I have closed my escape hatch to other work and other opportunities. I did some research and reading about Web 2.0, what it was all about and what a powerful tool it could become for my coaching business. My goal was to become an authority on providing life coaching for Realtors, Mortgage Brokers and Investors.
Co-incidentally ( there are no co-incidences) about the same time my Web-site hosting vendor came out with a new release and decided to offer the WordPress (sign-up for a Free account) blogging software for free as part of my package. I have already read and heard about WordPress as one of the best blogging software out here during my research. For no other reason then, thousands of programmers choose it to write mini programs for it called “plug-ins” to make it user friendly for someone like me. Based on my previous experience, that’s all I need it to hear. I wrote a few posts about coaching and personal development in my new blog called Real Coaching Moment, but it didn’t open the floodgates to fame and fortune, like I first thought it would, lol.
So, I begun to view my new blog as a separate entity from all of my other business ventures and it really become clear to me that this is the vehicle, which by I want to let the world know who I am, what I’m about and to begin to develop relationships and friendships on the Internet. Making money and becoming famous went on the back-burner.
Now, that I had a clear plan, this is what I begun to do with my blog after all the research that I have done. I needed to create a buzz about me as the local, regional and national Life Coach Authority on my own personal main blog. I further needed to create high rankings on search engine sites, submit a lot of relevant content, make comments on related blogs and even create a buzz group within my own industry.
So, here is my Main Blog [] that is quickly becoming a Coaching & Personal Development Authority Site. Keep in mind that I have enabled my Blog in April and started to work on this project seriously in the beginning of June, my traffic has increased 20 times within a 30 day period.
This experience of learning how to build an effective Web-site was very similar to when I first learned English, when I first learned how to drive a stick shift, when I first sat in the radio studio overwhelmed by all the buttons computer and TV screens. Awkward at first, but with a little persistence I got the hang of it.
To day, I have friendships that are blossoming in France, Spain, Canada, Hungary, England and the USA. I’m creating friendships at social sites like; ActiveRain, WannaNetwork, Point2, Apsense, Ojeez and others.
I’m experiencing true freedom unlike anything I have ever thought was even remotely possible, when I was still living in a communist country. Back then, we would not dare to share our thoughts, feelings or opinions even with our relatives or neighbors. To be able to share myself, having daily conversations and connecting with people are priceless to me.
I’m just a coach, like you are a Realtor, Mortgage Broker or whatever profession you happen to be in. If I can do it-you can do it.
I am committed to make a positive impact on the World and the way I do it is one person at a time, beginning with me and you.
To Your Success,
Coach Steve
Mr. Toth has over eight years of residential, commercial and investment banking experience.
He started the Real Estate and Mortgage Focus Radio Show in early 2004 on 630KHOW Denver's Talk Station to educate the public about real estate, finance and coaching. He became known as a real estate and finance area expert and someone who networks at a high level within the industry.
In 2006 Steve M Toth, “The Mortgage Guy”-Radio Show Host on Live365 expanded the “Real Estate and Mortgage Focus®” Radio Show Program into a national show on Live365- the World’s Largest National Internet Radio Network.
In 2003 he started a coaching practice called Real-Coaching™ to provide coaching programs and consulting services that dramatically enhance individual and team performance in the areas of Sales, Motivation, Leadership, Teamwork, Communication and Life Balance Management Skills for Realtors, Investors and Mortgage Professionals.

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